Environmental Group

Institutional & Educational
Regulatory Compliance
Sovereign has assisted many campus environments by addressing regulatory compliance needs in the areas of air, waste, wastewater, occupational safety and health. We complete the tracking, permitting, abatement plan, and program development requirements for hospitals, schools and universities and negotiate with regulatory agencies on behalf of these organizations every day.
Facilities Management
Sovereign has assisted facilities managers with operational needs to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulatory compliance. Equipment additions and upgrades (generators, chillers, and boilers, and other infrastructure) often trigger unplanned regulatory events. Building renovations usually raise concerns about hazardous materials and waste management. Sovereign can help by completing:
Air and Stormwater Permitting
Asbestos, Lead, and Mold Consulting
Asbestos Removal Project Monitoring
Hazardous Materials Assessments
Waste Assessments
Wastewater Consulting & Operation
Property Acquisition
Sovereign has been integral to the successful completion of campus expansions, property renovations, and property acquisitions. Teaming with owners, facilities departments, and tenants/occupants by providing:
Asbestos, Lead, and Mold Consulting
Asbestos Removal Project Monitoring
Hazardous Materials Assessments
Phase I and II Environmental Assessments
All are necessary for the siting of new facilities, the proper renovation and safe occupancy of older reused properties, and the successful sale of properties with previously identified Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) and hazardous materials present on site.