Environmental Group

Industrial Services
Regulatory Compliance
Sovereign has assisted industrial clients by assessing and/or addressing regulatory compliance needs in the areas of air, waste, water, occupational safety and health since our company's founding. We negotiate with federal and state agencies on our clients' behalf and complete the tracking, permitting, abatement plan, and program development requirements every day. We provide hazards assessments, exposure monitoring, program development and training required to meet the clients' OSHA regulations.
Environmental, Health & Safety Management Systems
Industrial clients have relied on Sovereign to develop Environmental and Safety Management Systems, as well as prepare them for certification and registration. We staff the needs of clients that are not just interested in compliance, but want to evolve to a higher level of environmental health and safety leadership through voluntary programs like ISO, OSHA-VPP, and LEEDs.
Property Management
Sovereign has been integral to the successful completion of property acquisitions, expansions and property preparation for sale by providing:
Best Fit/Feasibility Studies for new location siting
Hazardous Material Assessments
Mold, Lead, and Asbestos Surveys
Phase I and II Environmental Assessments
Team-Based Allied Services (Civil and Structural Assessments and Services)
All are necessary for the siting of new facilities, the proper renovation and safe occupancy of older reused properties, and the successful sale of properties with previous Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) and hazardous materials present on site.